Temporada 2:
22) Walk a Mile in My Pants
23) Sonny Get Your Goat
24) Gassie Passes
25) Sonny With a Song
26) High School Miserable
27) Legend of Candy Face
28) Gummy With a Chance
29) Random Acts of Disrespect
30) Grady With a Chance of Sonny
31) Falling for the Falls (Part 1)
32) Falling for the Falls (Part 2)
33) Sonny With a Secret (Part 1)
34) Sonny With a Secret (Part 2)
35) The Problem With Pauly
36) That's So Sonny
37) Chad Without a Chance
38) My Two Chads
39) A So Random Halloween Special
40) Sonny With a 100% Chance of Meddling
41) Dakota's Revenge
42) Sonny with a Kiss
43) A So Random! Holiday Special
44) Sonny with a Grant
45) Marshall with a Chance
46) Sonny with a Choice
47) New Girl